Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Americas

In the Americas, civilization was divided up between the nobles and the commoners. The elites lived in nicely decorated homes and wore the most elegant clothes while the commoners lived in so-called homes made of sticks and mud. Religion during this time was found through carvings and figurines. People thought bloodletting brought them closer to the Gods. The term polytheistic means the belief of multiple deities, supernatural immoral beings.

The Teotihuacan civilization dating from 250 B.C-900 A.D was remarkable. It was abruptly deserted and we don't know why. The ceremonial center was huge it marked a whole 2 miles in length. The central part of it was known as the "road of the dead". Below is a picture of the layout of the center and the surrounding areas. It is breathtaking to look at and shocking that it was just deserted.

The art in the Teotihuacan civilization was also very impressive, the motifs that were included in these pieces consisted of birds, butterflies and flowers. The simple shape of these pieces is somehow intriguing and makes you want to learn more about the process that went into it.

Another ceremonial site that is very overwhelming to think about how much went into it is the Chichen Itza created by the Mayans. It means the "mouth of the well of the Itza". The four sided pyramid within this site is called the Castillo standing 75 feet high.

Here are some modern designs that reflect the Incan style. Stone walls are very popular in modern homes today.

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