Sunday, February 9, 2014


Mount Vesuvius erupted on August 24th, 79 C.E. and buried the town of Pompeii and its people. It was later discovered and had the most interestingly, breathtaking ruins of all time. The pieces of architecture and design that were found were remarkable. This town is known as "The Living City of Dead". Because even though everyone from that time period is no longer there, the town is still very much alive and the remnants that remain are still in place. The town was first rediscovered in1599 when digging an underground channel. They found paintings and inscriptions, but covered it back up and didn't do anything more with it. In 1738, a town near Pompeii, Herculaneum, was discovered. 10 years later Pompeii was discovered from intentional excavations.

Streets of Pompeii.

Pompeii is a very popular tourist destination; by 2008 it attracted almost 2.6 million visitors per year. The government had to issue tickets to allow people to tour other cities such as Herculaneum and Stabiae so that Pompeii wasn't as crowded. Since there is so much tourism, residents work as taxi drivers, waiters and hotel operators in the nearby town of Pompei. Not as many sections are available for viewing today, however tourists can spend several days touring the whole site. 

The objects that were buried beneath Pompeii were generally well preserved from the lack of air and moisture they had while being underground. Because these objects were still intact, researchers were able to find out what the peoples' of Pompeii life was like. Since the town was underground for so long, once it was exposed, it deteriorated rather quickly.

These are some modern examples of Pompeii interiors.

I liked how John talked about how it was left when it was buried and what they found when they discovered Pompeii after all the years it was underground. It was interesting to look at and see how people lived back then. I also liked how Desiree talked about the bronze art and how important that was in society. She also talked about the women's position in families and what their responsibility was. It showed how much time has changed since then.

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